With its unique fiber blend and resin finish, BCY’s Powergrip Serving Material is providing archers with a serving material that is not prone to separate and is highly durable — a new blend of tightly braided spectra and nylon yarn. It is available in diameters that range from .009-inch to .032-inch and comes in a wide variety of solid color and multicolor options, and is the preferred serving material of some major bow manufacturers. Since its founding in 1990, BCY has been dedicated to serving the needs of archers, bowmakers and stringmakers with the latest advances in bowstring technology. With its knowledge of the archery industry and the cooperation of its fiber suppliers, BCY provides the industry with the latest in high-quality bowstring material. MSRP: $29.99/120-yard jig spool. Contact: www.bcyfibers.com
BCY Bowstring Powergrip Serving Material
BCY’s Powergrip serving material is getting a grip on the bowstring market.
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