New Record Score Shot at Nebraska NASP State Tournament

Katheryn Rice of Cornerstone Christian in Bellevue set a state-record high score for females in the NASP state tournament in Lincoln, Nebraska.
Nebraska NASP
Nebraska High School NASP Female Champion Katheryn Rice

Katheryn Rice of Bellevue Cornerstone Christian set a state-record high score for females in the National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP) state tournament March 23 at Speedway Sporting Village in Lincoln. She scored 289 out of a possible 300 points for the highest score of the meet. Her score broke the all-time female mark at the Nebraska NASP event by one point set by two girls in 2018.

Archers shoot 15 arrows at targets from 10 meters, then 15 arrows from 15 meters. The best possible score per arrow is 10 points, so a perfect score (30 arrows) is 300 points.

Here is the list of the top five high school females in the Nebraska state competition:

  1. Katheryn Rice, Bellevue Cornerstone Christian, 289 points
  2. Gracen Jones, Lincoln East, 286
  3. Shauna Moran, Lincoln North Star, 285
  4. Kristi Shedenhelm, Omaha Mater Dei Academy, 280
  5. Alyssa Schwinck, Lincoln East, 280

Here are the top-scoring high school males:

  1. David Lynch, Lincoln East, 288
  2. Matthew Gruhn, Lincoln Southeast, 286
  3. Eric Severson, Cornerstone Christian, 284
  4. John Ng, Mater Dei, 281
  5. Jaden Merkel, North Star, 280

The 2019 event, the 14th in Nebraska, had a record 40 schools participate, with 780 archers. NASP is an in-school curriculum covering target archery for students in grades 4-12. In Nebraska, approximately 280 schools have NASP as part of their physical education curriculum, and nearly 35,000 students participate each school year. The state tournament is the largest archery event in Nebraska.


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