Ravin LR Crossbow

The all-new LR (long-range) crossbow from Ravin was designed for extreme downrange accuracy.

Ravin LR Crossbow

The LR Crossbow from Ravin was modeled after today’s advanced long-range rifles, its ergonomic design and integrated technology creating a forgiving crossbow that delivers that same stability, precision and handling. The LR is Ravin’s most accurate crossbow to date, delivering speeds of 450 fps and 222 foot-pounds of kinetic energy. Its longer profile enhances balance, reducing recoil transfer to the shooter for increased stability.

The adjustable turret scope, paired with a full-length scope rail, allows for the addition of precision accessories to optimize long-range performance. Fully assembled and ready to go, the Ravin LR comes with a 1-8x24mm adjustable-turret scope, scope level, three-arrow quiver, draw handle and three premium arrows. MSRP: $2,549.99. Contact: www.ravincrossbows.com


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