The Coliseum Blind from Rutted-Up Blinds boasts a spacious 9-foot by 7-foot footprint, engineered to keep hunters comfortable and provide plenty of shot opportunities. Its 13 windows can lock out in any position and are 100 percent smoked but still provide a clear view, even in low-light conditions.
Built to last a lifetime and withstand heavy snow loads, the airtight Coliseum’s roof has approximately 2 to 3 inches of rigid insulating foam, while the floor insulation measures 4 inches. Fork pockets are integrated into the base, which attach to the floor for safe and easy setup. The Coliseum’s steel exterior is finished in Mossy Oak Bottomland camo with 20-year fade resistance. MSRP: $5,995/Does not include tower. Note: The archery version of the Coliseum features one gun-specific and 12 archery-specific windows ($400 option). Contact: