Mathews Archery designers started from the ground up with the company’s new-for-2024 LIFT 29.5 and 33 hunting flagships.
Hoyt Archery continues to push the performance envelope with the introduction of two new flagships for 2024, the aluminum Alpha X (30 and 33), and the carbon RX-8.
Bowtech has announced its latest flagship compounds, the 2024 Core SS and Core SR. The SS is engineered for a super-smooth draw; the SR is a speed bow that’s still comfortable to shoot.
A few subtle enhancements to an already proven platform move the Hoyt needle forward.
The author surveyed 150 archery pro shops across the country. Here’s an inside look at the average number of compound and crossbow lines — and most popular ones — carried by them today.
A look at what goes into a brand- or even market-winning hunting bow.
With a killer new cam system, one of the industry’s finest grips and a new sight mount, Athens Archery has launched an ideal bowhunting bow, the Athens Elevate.
We asked three veteran retailers: “What is your process for fitting a customer with the proper draw length and draw weight when they’re purchasing a new bow?” Here’s what they had to say.
With stability built right in and a new cam system, Prime Archery’s latest launch — the Prime REVEX 2 — is a winner.
Bowhunting World’s Field Editor Darron McDougal recently tested the new-for-2023 Prime REVEX 2. Spoiler: With stability built right in and a new cam system, it’s a winner.