Pope and Young Convention recognizes 13 new world records; Buck Knives adds Rick Alsen on national accounts; NASP announces new online articles; and youth archers break attendance records during 2023 Arizona Cup.
ATA compiles bowhunter numbers nationwide; 2023 NASP scholarship sponsors; Lancaster Archery Foundation gives scholarships to Texas A&M; NASP and S3DA partner to benefit St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital; and University of the Cumberlands wins team title.
2023 R100 National Archery Tour dates announced; S3DA promotes conservation at Indoor Nationals; and Bass Pro Shops and Cabela’s donate $100,000 to NASP.
ATA Board of Directors election results; IBO announces new Indoor World Tournament for Genesis class shooters; S3DA hosts 8th Annual Eastern Indoor National Championship; and onX Hunt “40X” event helps raise $2M for conservation, access projects.
2023 Indoor Nationals Final lineup announced; Explore Archery program highlights; and Kevin Mather elected as Para Athlete Director on USA Archery’s Board.
Pope and Young Convention exhibitor space filling up; NASP 2023 national tournament schedule and scholarship plans; Team PSE’s Kris Schaff dominates during early 2023; Team Darton’s Tanja Gellenthien makes 8th straight podium at The Vegas Shoot.
“The Currency of Conservation: Archery’s Impact” video; NASP certifies its 100,000th basic archery instructor; Johnny Morris and Bass Pro Shops donate to hurricane relief; and Pope and Young partners with Howl for Wildlife.
Registration now open for 2023 ATA Trade Show; $50k awarded in random scholarships by NASP; S3DA hosts Western 3-D and Outdoor Target National Championships; and Team Mathews wins two IBO World Championships.
Veterans take to archery with Pope and Young; Levi Morgan wins first leg of National Triple Crown; Mike Schloesser wins second-straight World Cup title; and NASP begins awarding $500 scholarships.
Hunting license sales remain strong; 2022 Field Nationals champions; NASP tournament participation numbers; and NWTF leadership change.